Ucon acrobatics為德國柏林包袋品牌 以永續環保的精神在潮流風格與極簡美感中取得平衡 我們負責Instagram, Facebook的策略與運營 網紅行銷的部分針對美感與客群進行精準挑選 並執行MOTIF專案 與歐美38家設計工作室進行合作 在柏林舉辦千人的展覽及線上義賣 360度的規劃與設計使品牌效益最大化 呈現一致且強烈的風格
Ucon Acrobatics is a Berlin- based backpack brand. The core of the brand is sustainability, within this concept they maintain the balance between street wear and minimal aesthetic.
We were in charge of the operation for Instagram and Facebook accounts, strategies, specializing in influencer marketing which aiming at a precise group of TA.
Apart from online activities, we also execute offline exhibitions. Collaborating with 38 design studios across Europe and the US, we set up MOTIF Project, an exhibition and charity event with thousands of visitors.